Today, while I was browsing Pinterest, I came across a very convicting pin. If you're on Pinterest, then more than likely you've come across a pin that says "I will fall for a boy who will:" and then lists things that most girls typically want a guy to do for or with them. Well, this pin is almost exactly the same, except with one major difference. That list of things is scribbled over in red, and in big, black, bold letters it says, "love Jesus more than he loves me." It was a great reminder that as Christians, we should be sure that Jesus is always first in all of our relationships.
As a single Christian young lady, I should be careful to make sure that I look for, and fall for, a man who loves God and desires to keep Him at the center of our relationship. There's nothing wrong with making out lists of things that I want in a boyfriend/future husband, but at the very top of that list should be that he has a love for God and a desire to serve Him.
If God is not first in all of our relationships, whether they be boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, friendship, or family relationships, then our priorities are all wrong. That relationship will not be what it could, and should, be. If God is first in all of our relationships, then our relationships will honor Him and we will reflect Him.