Friday, September 23, 2011


I'm going to start alternating Favorite Fridays with Five Minute Fridays. If you're not familiar with Five Minute Fridays, they were started by The Gyspsy Mama. Every week she chooses a different topic, and you write about it for five minutes - no editing, no backtracking, and no over thinking. If you would like to participate, I encourage you to go to her blog and link up! Also, make sure that you put a link back to her post at the end of your post.


Growing. When we think of that word, we often think of a young child, such as a baby or a toddler or such. One who still is growing and learning new things every day. Or we may think of plants and grass and trees as they grow, showing the beauty of creation. But children and nature aren't the only things that grow. We grow every day too, you know. Not in the same way of course. But we grow through different experiences that we've been through. Ever day we grow. We grow mentally, and emotionally, and if we're a child of God, then hopefully we're growing spiritually.

We can encourage this growth in us through many different way. Trying new things, reading, things that we go through. Often the things that grow us the most are the hardest to go through. Things such as the loss of a loved one, or starting a new job, or finding out that you have a chronic illness. Although they seem impossible to get through at the time, they are learning experiences for us, and we can grow in ways we never thought possible. We grow in dependence on God, we grow closer to our family and friends, we grow emotionally as we're strengthened by these trials. So today, I encourage you to look around you, and see the various ways in which you are growing.


Five Minute Friday: Growing

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful thoughts! You are right...I automatically thought of my kids and my garden. :) And you are also right that growth in us often comes through hard things. Difficult to appreciate in the middle of it, but a gift in the long run.
