Friday, November 18, 2011


So, I've been thinking about going back to school. Actually, "going" isn't exactly the right term, because I'd be taking classes online, probably through Liberty University. This really came as a surprise to me, as until recently, if anyone asked me if I had any desire to go back to college I would answer them with a very affirmative "no!"

Until recently, I wasn't really sure what I would go back to school for. I didn't know I wanted to do. I love what I currently do (data entry/administrative assistant), so I couldn't think of what I would ever want to go back to school for. However recently God seems to be leading me to go back to school for Psychology, with a focus in either crisis counseling or Christian counseling. That probably comes as a surprise to many of you that know me, as I'm not known for being outgoing or good at talking to people that I don't know. I love people, though, and I love helping people, and if this is truly what God wants for me, then I'm willing to do it.

Several years ago I surrendered to full-time Christian service, doing whatever God wanted me to do. I always assumed that it would come in the form of marrying a pastor, youth pastor, evangelist, or missionary. Now I'm realizing that maybe God has another plan of how to use me. I may still end up marrying someone who is in the ministry, but with a counseling degree God can use me in the ministry in other ways as well. There is a need for Christian counselors, and if this is what God wants me to do, I'll do it.

None of this is set in stone yet, obviously. I still need to do a lot of praying about it. Going back to school is a big decision. Working and going to school at the same time is tough. Last time I did it, I ended up having a lot of health problems. This is not a decision that I'm going to take lightly. It's a big commitment, requiring a lot of time and money.

I will definitely keep y'all update on whatever I decide, once I decide. Until then, I would appreciate your prayers about this decision!


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