That may seem like an odd resolution to many of you. After all, sharing ins't exactly a word usually found in many New Years resolutions. It's not something we often think about. When we do think about it, we usually think about it in relation to children learning to share.
If you really think about it, though, children are the ones who share the most. We really need to learn from them about how to share. I'm not talking about sharing toys or food or anything like that; I'm talking about sharing in words. A child is always willing to share with you what they're feeling or thinking. When a child is excited about something you know it because they're constantly talking about it. In their innocence, they're not afraid of what people may think about them for what they're sharing. They're not concerned about that.
As Christians, we should really think that same way. Too often we're scared of what others may think of us, so we don't mention that we're a Christian. We try to avoid talking about the LORD or the Bible. We're hesitant to share the Gospel with others. "What if they reject it? What is they laugh at me? Maybe they won't want to be friends with me anymore." Those are just a few of the many excuses we make up for not sharing the Gospel with others.
God has recently been dealing with me and convicting me about sharing more. I need to be more willing to share. I need to share what God has done for me. I need to share the good news of salvation to those who need it. I need to stop worrying so much about what others may think of me. I need to SHARE.
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