Friday, October 7, 2011

31 Days of Thankfulness: Without Thankfulness

"Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road." -John Henry Jowett

The quote that I shared with you all today really made me stop and think. Maybe one of the things we should be thankful for is thankfulness itself. Without thankfulness, what would we have? If we went through life without ever be thankful, it would be a pretty sad and miserable life. We would never realize just how blessed we are to have all that we have. Next time you're having trouble being thankful, think back to this quote, and realize just how much thankfulness brings to your life. 

I'm thankful for...

56. Fall candles that make my apartment smell amazing
57. A good chat over the phone with my dad on the way home this morning
58. Getting off on time!
59. News that more overtime is coming up
60. Waking up to a nice text message
61. A good book (and time to read it!)
62. the weekend!
63. Sleeping in
64. Friends blowing up my phone with goofy texts that make me laugh till I'm crying
65. A cold snap which killed off a lot of allergens, which means I can now open my windows!
66. Knowing that a friend is spending her birthday in heaven even though we miss her here on earth.
67. An opportunity for one of my friends to witness to one of the security guards at work.
68. A new manager at work who means business about putting a stop to some problems that are going on.


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