We have an ongoing Holocaust of our own right here in America. A Holocaust where millions of innocent people are being murdered, just as they were in Germany before and during World War II. You are probably now thinking,"Impossible! We would have heard of such a thing! The media would be all over this if it were true!" Well, that's not exactly true. You see, this Holocaust is something that I'm sure nearly every American knows about. It's called abortion.
Now before you completely shut me out, let me explain. Or rather, let this video explain.
Now that you've watched the video, what do you think? Did any of you change your minds about abortion by watching this video? I hope so. This video was made by an evangelist, Ray Comfort, in an effort to open people's eyes to what abortion really is, which is murder. If you'd like more information about the video, click here to go to the website. They also have a Facebook fanpage. If this movie changed your mind, or if you'd like to help spread the word, go to their website and share the video with your friends on Facebook, or go to their fanpage and like it. Help get the word out! By sharing this video you could end up saving a life.
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